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The following links are various independent ministries like us who promote the One True God message and the Gospel of His Only Begotten Son. While there are many other ministries who are in the same movement ('One True God movement' or the 'Godhead movement'), the following links (ministries) recommended here are more than enough to testify to you the power of the Gospel of Christ.


Disclaimer: While we are in harmony with the following ministries on many things, we wish to point out that the fact we recommended these links does not mean that we necessarily agree with, or endorse all views, opinions, and beliefs that are found on any of the following sites. Furthermore, one particular website's view on any particular belief should not be regarded as a standard for the rest of the believers who believe in the One True God and Jesus Christ His Son.  Therefore, please use these websites at your own discretion. We recommended these sites because we believe that you will gain a lot of benefits from visiting any of these websites, but as all men are fallible, our counsel is to trust in the scriptures alone and be like the Bereans who, “proved all things, and hold fast to that which is good.” (1Thess. 5:21).


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