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About us

'Christ In You Ministries' is a personal independent ministry with the purpose of preaching the everlasting gospel. This gospel includes the three angels messages of Revelation 14 which deals with: 


1) The truth that the one and only true God of the Bible is the Father who has a literal Son, begotten by Him before the work of creation began. Being the literal Son of God, Christ possesses divinity. The Holy Spirit, on the other hand, is the spirit of both the Father and the Son.


2) That the church of God is not what Christianity, in general, have understood it to be - an organized body formed by man and sanctioned by the governing authorities. The church is a body of believers who have Christ dwelling in them by His own Spirit. 


3) That the message of righteousness by grace through faith in Jesus forms the core of salvation. Victory over sin can only be found in Christ alone who is the Author and Finisher of our faith.


Thank you so much for visiting our website. It is not a coincidence but God's providence. It has been my prayer that you may come to the knowledge of truth and that Christ may be formed in you through our unprofitable ministry.


To find our resources you can check our Bible study seriesArticles, Books, and Videos. I recommend you to examine these materials with an open mind by rightly dividing the word of God. All resources found on this website can be shared with others.


If you found any of our materials as a blessing, we will be happy to hear from you. And if there be any question, comment, suggestion, or invitation, please feel free to contact us.


Please visit our website from time to time as we will keep on updating our webpages. 

To whom God would make known what is the riches of

the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is

Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Colossians 1:27


That which we have seen and heard declare we

unto you, that ye also may have fellowship

with us: and truly our fellowship is with

the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
1John 1:3

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